IHP Frankfurt (Oder)


The IHP (Innovations for High Performance Microelectronics) investigates and develops silicon based systems, RF circuits and technologies for applications such as wireless and broadband communication, aerospace, biotechnology & medicine, automotive, security and automation.The focus of research at the institute is oriented towards applications for telecommunications, semiconductor and automotive industries, aerospace, telemedicine, and automation technologies. The IHP’s goal is to strengthen German and European industry in the area of high technology and also to link up higher education institutes with partners from industry. As an institute of the Leibniz Society, the IHP pursues long-term goals and combines both basic and applied research. The IHP employs around 300 staff from more than 20 countries and has a class 1 cleanroom with a full pilot line. On December 16th IHP celebrated 3 successful decades of research in Frankfurt (Oder). At the same time, a brandnew extension building with 70 new workstations and modern premises for seminars or conferences, was inaugurated. The necessary 8.7 million euros were partly financed by the State of Brandenburg and the Federal Government of Germany.

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