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General property information
15890 Eisenhüttenstadt
Name of the plot: Technologie- & Gewerbepark Seeplanstraße
Size of the property: 66 ha
Plots can be divided: on request
Location: in urban area, close to the road B112
Designation: industrial zone
Current use: free
Availabilty according to the side plan: possible after an audit
Purchase: partly possible
Traffic connections
Motorway: approx. 30 km
Federal road: 0,5 km
Airport (BER): 80-100 km
Rail: 2 km
Inland harbour: 1,5 km
Berlin: 90 km
Hamburg: 375 km
Munich: 633 km
Warsaw: 533 km
Technical infrastructure on site
Internet / Broadband connection: yes
Water supply: yes
Waste disposal: yes
Gas supply: yes
Power supply: yes
Traffic and transport: yes
Railway siding: no
Distances to public transportation
Railway station Deutsch Bahn: on site
Bus: on site
May we provide you further information or a concrete offer? Please contact us!