The Silk Road leads to East Brandenburg


ICOB, 13.04.2016

Frankfurt (Oder)‘s profile as a logistics location continues to grow. After having signed a letter of intent with the Chinese Chint Group for the construction of a European logis tics centre of Chint on the grounds of its subsidiary Astronergy Solarmodule GmbH in Frankfurt (Oder), leading political and business representatives from the province of Zhejiang have been informing themselves
about economical conditions at the site and the city‘s growth potential for companies from China.


Political and business representatives from China including the Vice-Governor of the Province of Zhejiang, Zhu Congjiu (4th from right) and the President of the Board of the Chinese Chint Group, Cunhui Nan (3rd from left) informed themselves about the region‘s commercial potential during a location presentation and a site visit of the intermodal terminal Frankfurt (Oder).

Before they arrived,the largest TV broadcaster in the province of Zhejiang had carried a report about just how successful the development of Astronergy in Frankfurt (Oder) has been to date. It demonstrated recent developments by the solar company at the location and highlighted China‘s latest strategies for building a new Silk Road and the funding of this plans. This new Silk Road will create a connection via Central Asia for commerce extending as far as Europe, for which the existing rail connection via Moscow will serve as an Eurasian land bridge. The recent expansion of the Terminal for intermodal transport in the Freight Village Frankfurt (Oder) has created a state-of-the-art intermodal road-to-rail transfer location for the region with direct trains to Europe‘s  international ports and commercial centres in Eastern Europe. In a public/private partnership, the City of Frankfurt (Oder), the State of Brandenburg, the federal German government, the European Union and the Polish operator company of the terminal, PCC Intermodal, have invested around ten million euros on upgrading and developing the terminal. Besides a new crane  runway, additional transfer tracks have also been built in order to cater for the increase in handling turnover at the terminal. The new crane runway can shift up to 41 tons over the 640 metre long handling area.

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